Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Until the Blue Came

Please listen to the song below while you read this. It will help I think.

A long time ago, long before I could remember I lived in a world very similar to ours. The trees were the same, the Starbucks were the same, and the canned pineapple was the same. All was the same except for the people. In this world people are born into different evolution groups and you flow and exist with this group until someone steals your carbon and your heart quits. This evolution is not like the ones we are taught in biology class with monkeys and Darwinism. The evolution is that of our minds. We would evolve and our mental state would simply become more advanced. Along with this standard of evolution, the other huge difference was that we could only speak to those who were in the same stage of evolution as us. You were always in the same stage as the group you were born into so you could always talk to them, but you could also talk to members of other groups as long as they were in the same stage as you.

My group had just evolved which granted us access to a higher form of education so we got to go to a new school. I had been there for a couple months so I was just getting used to it. Classes were going ok, but I hadn't really met anyone new. The members of my group, whom I loved dearly, were boring me. I needed something new. It was around this time that she arrived. I'll spare you what I thought of her. Just think back to every cheesey, romantic, and cliche way to describe the love of your life you have ever heard. That was how she made me feel. She grew to feel the same about me with little effort on my part. We were simply meant to be I thought. We didn't love each other, we belonged to each other.

After we had met we soon dove into our glorious relationship. You know that part of the relationship where everything is simply amazing? You know right around the beginning? Well I would like you to imagine that feeling never going away. The freshness never staled, the spark never went out, and old seemed new. For years we spent every possible moment together, running away from out future and giving the cold shoulder to the past. Now was ecstasy. Now was ethereal. Now was pure. Little did I know that now would soon be assassinated by Murphy.

One day I was sitting in a study room at school and she walked up to me. I saw her eyes and heart fell out of my stomach and splattered on the floor. Smashed tissues and blood covered my last moments as a person. I began the rapid fire of concerned questions, frantically demanding to know what could have possibly brought sucked the existence out of her eyes. She set her hand on my forehead and allowed one tear to fall screaming to it's death upon the floor from her dead eye. The tear smashed to pieces and its mutilated tissues joined those of my heart on the surface of the planet. She turned around and began to walk. As I watched in horror she faded into air, becoming nothing more then a faint outline of true compromise. Her group had evolved, I would never be able to see or speak to her again.

She was out there in the world, everyday. Every god damn day, and I couldn't even sadly watch her be. Soon after this existence ceased to matter. Everything blurred and lines crossed. Thousands upon thousands of years later I would wake up crying at night in a new body, recalling my last thoughts. Without thinking I scribbled them down on a piece of paper and then fell back asleep. The world would know of my thoughts, but would she. If you are out there I need you to know this:

The two met when the atmosphere made the park’s sky a livid blue

“Where had she been?” he often wondered

She could never provoke enough diction to relay the message

He had never focused on how alone he had been until the blue came

She could taste it in the aura they shared; time had lost too much blood

Evolution broke their bonds

Misfortune ignited their ever growing infatuation

If he could just tear his face off, the hormones in his skull would splash to the floor

and not into his Superior Vena Cava

She burned his last thought away with a drag, lung cancer over thought

The park’s sky was an anonymous green from then on, she thought green was efficient

The park’s sky was an anonymous green from then on, his last thought was red

All was fine until the blue came. Those fucking dead eyes...


  1. the music definitely enhances the reading experience. you always stretch my mind, Jarid. Thanks :)

  2. I don't know why. Maybe it's just this day.

    But this broke my heart in the best sort of way.
    That's probably an odd thing to hear, but I can't think of any other way to explain it. I just feel a little empty.

  3. you've told me about this dream before and it sort of reminds me of a dream I had once. I am actually writing about mine also but I doubt Ill ever have the courage to post it... The music is haunting.

  4. What an beautiful dream. That's all I can call it... horrible and excruciatingly heartbreaking, but beautiful. Such is life. What beautiful truth. Thank you.

    And the song goes almost all we need is a little rain.

    Also, love the moon jellyfish. :)

  5. i can honestly say that i've never cried in a more true way than i just did. still am. this might be the first time in my life that i felt what despair is, what it really is. aside from the way your thoughts transpose with clarity and fluidity, i didn't find much beauty in this. for me it was only pure raw honest despair.

    it isn't a bad thing.
