Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mr. Firth and an Intro to LEDs


One of the people who really got me into video art initially was David Firth, the creator of fat-pie and Salad Fingers.  At first I liked him because of his funny/scary/weird falsh animations, but soon I stumbled upon his video work. While mostly consisting of stop-motion work, there was something about them that always seemed a bit deeper and meaningful to me.

While I don't plan to do a video much in his style, he has been a huge inspiration to me and my work with video.

I am not sure about any of you, but when it comes to LEDs and me all I know is, "Look at the pretty colors!"  Before I embark on this LED/VIdeo project I should learn me some stuffs about them. If any of you care to learn too, I found a quick and easy tutorial on them here.

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