Friday, May 15, 2009

Dark Knight of the Soul

Sparklehorse, Danger Mouse, David Lynch, The Shins, The Flaming Lips, The Pixies, and much more all in ONE album. HOLY SHIT!!! It's called Dark Knight of the Soul. As of right now they are having some legal problems getting it in stores, but for now you can listen to it free on NPR (Click Here). In other news, as of 4 pm today I am done with school. Meh. I kinda messed this semester up, but oh well all I can do is keep going cuz time is linear... I think?


  1. good logic. and that album sounds awesome. but ive sort of been on a musicless stage... im not sure why...

  2. I have to say, WTF is up with that picture!?

  3. It's Lynch, Sparklehorse, and Danger Mouse.
