Lately I have been finding myself thinking about the end of world. This is mostly because of my insane boss who thinks the bible can tell us how UFO's can fly through space at such great speed and that you can find out the exact day an time Jesus was born by measuring the length of one of the pyramids in Egypt. This being said I have been looking around and witnessing the happenings of our lovely planet and realizing that we are kinda going downhill. Not that I think we are heading to an end, but shit is going down, and if you are into that whole Mayan calender thing we is fucked circa December 21st 2012. Now I could get into a long speculative rant about how this is going to happen, if it will happen, what we should be doing to avoid it, and other bullshits, but I think I am just going to post some songs that I think fit into ugly world/end of worldness. Let us begin class!
Screenwriter's Blues (Live) - Soul Coughing
This song is not about a doomsday scenario or anything like that, but I think it paints a rather lovely/ugly picture of out mindset in this day and age. To me this way of life will lead to a drab conclusion of our existence. We are becoming boring fuckbots who seek cheap thrills, though the line about the sun does bring a bit of hope. The sun will rise tomorrow, with or without you.
Road to Peace - Tom Waits
Tom Waits in more on the road (no pun intended, though it's not really a pun... eh, no using a line similar to the song title intended? Meh) to the doomsday thing. To me, the life style and mindset from Soul Coughing's song will lead to a world like this (which when I look around I am seeing). That being said, it sucks. My favorite line from this song is ," Maybe God himself is lost and needs help." I don't like this because it's dissing God, I like it because it's telling us we gotta suck it up and make some changes for ourselves. Yes, it would be nice if we could sit down and ask some supreme dude to stop raining shit down on the world, but (this being if God does exist) what if he/she/it is just as scared as us and confused. We gotta step up and make changes for ourselves, or accept our demise.
In This Twilight - Nine Inch Nails (Sorry I couldn't find a downloadable mp3)
This song is what we is heading for I believe. While Mr. Reznor paints the last day of life beautifully, it is not what I would like to happen. I like living, ya know? There isn't much else to say about this song. We die, sky is pretty, Trent is the shit.
Yeah so that's that. Maybe if we're lucky the ice caps will melt, we'll all drown, and Al Gore will die laughing.
We've been heading downhill ever since humanity has existed on this planet.
ReplyDeleteIm not familiar with Soul Coughing, but I love the other two songs (as you probably aleady know...)! So true... Trent is very good at making the end of the world seem... not so bad. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame that our civilization comes at the cost of the planet, but it doesn't have to be that way. We have to shoulder the burden placed on us by those that came before and fix it. Now how we do that is beyond me..
ReplyDeleteEither that or everything is fine and the Earth is just changing as it usually would. None the less, we are all fucked in 2012.