Next I wanna talk about some music that has been out for a while. I wanna talk about The Decemberists' new album, The Hazards of Love. At first the album was kinda meh to me because I was expecting another The Crane Wife (There latest album prior to Hazards for those of you ignorant readers) which was rather rude of myself. After many many listens I feel now that I rather do enjoy the album, this being even more so post me seeing them in concert (they were fucking great by the way). Colin Meloy (lead singer) has this ability to tell stories whilst singing unlike anyone I have ever heard in that the sounds he produces seem to be telling the complete opposite of the lyrics he launches out of his mouth. The Rake's Song is a very good example of this. It's more of an upbeat song with a very interesting beat with a refrain consisting nothing but the word "alright". The drums in this song sound like they're being played on a metal garage door if you ask me, but anyway the song is about a couple who have 4 children. Sadly the 4th child and the mother die during the birthing process. After this the husband becomes annoyed with having children and he kills them all... Yeah. Check it.
NEXT is some new Modest Mouse entitled The Whale's Song. Splitting lead guitar with a post-rockesque build up at the end. I have an uneasy feeling about their new albums coming out later this summer. So far they have released 4 songs, two of which I like and two of which I find very half-assed and not Modest Mousey. I won't tell you which is which though, don't want to influence your thoughts on the subject.

Well there you go for now, I will probably do more of these in the future if people like em. Happy listening doods!
Horray! I like this. I have always liked The Rake's Song but I really need to get more into the Decemberist because I know I will like them. I will have to hear more of Discovery sometime... and I LOVE that Modest Mouse song. HORRAY!! :-DDDD