I find it odd that as the number of social networking and community based site I join, this greater sense of accomplishment I begin to feel. The reason for this odd feeling is that pretty much the same group of friends are the only ones that use these sites, which means that I can now talk to the same group of about 10 people face to face, on the phone, through texting, on facebook, myspace, Twitter, Blogger, Last FM, and Youtube. I also have recently created a vimeo and a imeem account. In the near future I can envision a creation of a flicker, a photobucket, and maybe I will even get around to using the livejournal account I created. What is the meaning of all of these sites and why do they make me feel good? I just feel like I am running away from something. Or maybe it's that false sense of belonging which is really just assimilation? I don;t know, I just don't want to get sucked into it and become one of those people who constantly references things that happened on forums I am on which I am catching myself doing already. Any advice?
Anyway here is your song of the... well I don't really post daily or weekly or on any regular schedule. So here is your fucking song. That's what it's called.
Click here to listen, or right click on it and go to save as and take it fo free.
This is Avril 14th by Aphex Twin. I have fallen asleep to this song more than any other song, and if my memory serves me correctly it is the most played song in my library. Listening to this prior or whilst sleeping may cause immense levels of calmness and amazing dreams. Enjoy :D
Amazing piano noises
I wish I could give adivce but I find myself in the same hole. And I definitely want out... but ha. here I am discussing this on one of the sites Im trying to not spend too much time on. :)
ReplyDeleteYup, according to your last.fm account it's the most played song in your library. Hahaha.
ReplyDeleteMy advice would be to get a really, really shitty internet connection. Actually, scratch that, you have an iPhone. I think the social networking hole is pretty inevitable, it's basically assumed that people in our age group have at least one of the above accounts. Whatever you're running away from (boredom, stress, things without shiny backlights) would be the same without the internet, it's just the newest addition to the fantasy novel/RPG/eccentric millionaire antics type of escapism.