Thursdays are the worst days of my week usually. They start with a 9:30 (weird time) class that is supposed to teach me how to look at art... I don't think anything else needs to be said about that. That class concludes around 10:30 and then I am left with nothing to do until 2 pm. I am then left with the decision to walk home or stay at school, both involving little productivity for in either case I will end up sitting on facebook, playing around in photoshop, or youtubing.
I then have to go to Biology in society. I love Biology, but I am an art student. Obviously I am too busy wasting my time in college and have become and idiot from the art world and I am no where near smart enough to not drown in academic knowledge and scientific discovery that I would consume whilst taking General Biology. so I get Bio in Society. Out first test was on the scientific method. I got to learn what a hypothesis was and how to test one. :D (Note sarcasm please)
After I am told how to look at a painting (which you do with your eyes if you were unaware), sitting on some whorish social networking site, and discovering that water can come in not one... not two... BUT THREE DIFFERENT FORMS (I know I pissed my pants when I found out too) I get to go to the ever so lovely Biology in Society Lab. This is where we get to make DNA strands out of pipe cleaners, and used Mr. Potato Head dolls to show how different people can have different genetic traits. This then concludes anywhere from 4:30-5:30 pm.
So now I am pissed and grumpy and more cynical then ever (which is possible somehow) and I am walking home. And this is the worst part of my day. Every Thursday I pass this girl on the side walk. She is looking up and smiling. Just walking and smiling. Not twitching, not moving her lips at all. Just smiling. I can't fathom that. Is such happiness even possible? Smiles are moments in this world. A sighting of beauty, a joke, a warm memory. This smiling moments come and go in anywhere from 2-30 seconds I would say. But this girl, what did she find? I become filled with this rash mixture of hatred and depression at the sight of her. I want to grab and shake her and demand to know what is so good. What is it?
I soon come to the realization that I am a cynical jerk and keep walking. It still haunts me sitting here and thinking about it. Every week, every time. Smiling. I am glad I am not her.
Don't forget about plasma... and Bose-Einstein condensate! :P
ReplyDeleteAh, I know what you mean about the ignorant bitches. Cheers. I like that nice little image up there, too. neat lookin'.
ReplyDeleteLife's short, might as well be happy and smile. She knows what she's doin.
ReplyDeleteWho the fuck knew water could be something other than a liquid? I wasn't informed. I suppose it's a damn good thing you're in that class, or I would have never had any way of obtaining such knowledge.
ReplyDeleteAnyway... I would say there is a difference between being an asshole and living/thinking with your eyes open and unveiled. I think maybe some people don't notice the difference and end up perceiving someone as being an asshole rather than what the 'asshole' person might consider being realistic
(and alright, maybe a bit cynical)
(which is not a bad thing in my opinion).
And then I wonder, what really defines an asshole (aside from the obvious physical qualities of a literal asshole)? What makes a person an asshole? I don't really have any answer for that..
In the words of glorious cloud cult, I guess you could say "It's all about perception".
erm.. in conclusion... i don't think you're an asshole, but I could be totally wrong unless someone can give a reasonable and agreeable definition of asshole.